Week 6 — Diversity (cost?) (benefits?)

Diversity of thought, discipline, race, gender, sexuality etc. are extremely cardinal to the progress of a school, company, or any institution. The advantages are well researched and documented in this article. However, as I was reading this article I started to think about some questions (that I don’t have answers to):

  1. Are there any downsides or cons of diversity? (intuition says no)
  2. Do company’s/ institutions loose on talent while trying to meet their diversity quota?
  3. Does the entire concept of having a diversity quota beneficial or  detrimental?
  4. When an institution “markets” its diversity numbers, does that have any psychological implications on the “diverse” individual — maybe self doubt (Do I really deserve to be here or am I just here to meet the diversity criteria?)


These are very convoluted questions. I’d appreciate peoples input on what they think.
